Slug Rounds

Slug Rounds is a poster project where I experimented with the patterns and textures of various slugs to create a gig poster that displayed the animal in an eye-catching way. I chose slugs for this due to their mundanity at first glance. After researching the different types of slugs and analyzing their appearance, I was pleased to find a plethora of patterns and textures to work with when creating each poster. The name “Slug Rounds” is a double entendre. Meaning the heavy metal projectile of a shotgun slug, but also the idea that the slugs are capable of singing rounds in a song.

Their alien appearance immediately sent my mind to outer space. The main theme/story I chose was that this spacefaring slug band was visiting Earth to share their music. In the another iteration I did later on, I chose to illustrate a cute interaction between two slugs in space. Where one was ecstatic to have a planet behind him because it looked like they were a snail. Making the other one jealous. And the last poster takes a more catastrophic approach. Fusing a slug with one of their favorite flowers, the marigold, to create a kaiju monster that had suddenly appeared and is terrorizing the city.